Collegiate Partners are more than 470 postsecondary institutions that agree to treat scholarships awarded through Scholarship America programs fairly.
To ensure that these scholarships help meet students' unmet financial needs, Collegiate Partners agree to distribute these scholarships without reducing a student's financial aid package. If there is no unmet need, Collegiate Partners will use up to $2,500 of a scholarship to reduce the self-help portion (loan, work-study, etc.) of a student's financial aid package.
Finally, some Collegiate Partners agree to match scholarships from Dollars for Scholars chapters and other Scholarship America programs, up to a specific dollar amount. All told, in fiscal year 2010, more than 38,000 students attended Collegiate Partner institutions, bringing $50 million in scholarship awards to those schools.
To find Collegiate Partner institutions near you, search for Collegiate Partners or download our most recent Collegiate Partners Directory.
If you represent a higher education institution interested in becoming a Collegiate Partner, contact the national Dollars for Scholars office.
Below is a list of local Collegiate Partners that match scholarships from Dollars for Scholars:
Assumption College* (Worcester)
Bristol Community College* (Fall River)
Dean College* (Franklin)
Endicott College* (Beverly)
Fisher College* (Boston)
Hampshire College* (Amherst)
Lesley University* (Cambridge)
Stonehill College* (North Easton)
Suffolk University* (Boston)
Wentworth Institute of Technology* (Boston)
University of Massachusetts Dartmouth (North Dartmouth)*
If you still have questions please don't hesitate to contact us.